We hope you enjoy our video library of messages by Dr. Larry Montgomery.

Psalms 100 (Added 05/07/2024)   Dispensations #3 - Matthew 24:37 (Added 02/18/2024)  
Sin Unto Death 1 John 5:16 (Added 10/21/2022)    Sin Unto Death - Ananias and Sapphira 1 John 5:16 (Added 10/21/2022)  
Sin Unto Death - The Lord's Supper 1 John 5:16 (Added 10/21/2022)    Is Jesus The Son of God 1 John 5:9 (Added 10/21/2022)  
The Hebrews Letter   The Holy Ghost in the Modern Church  
The Hebrews Letter (continued)   The Holy Ghost in the Modern Church Pt. 2  
Jesus is Better   The Holy Ghost in the Modern Church Pt. 3  
The End Times   Gift of God - The Holy Spirit  
The End Times Pt. 2   The God Breathed Word  
The Mystery of Godliness   The Modern Pagan Church  
The Mystery of Godliness Pt. 2   The Election  
The Mystery of Godliness Pt. 3   Had It Not Been - Singing  
Take a Look at the Wagons   Let This Mind Be In You  
What Is Grace (1/12/2020)   Take a Look at the Wagons Pt.2 (1/19/2020)   
Take a Look at the Wagons Pt. 3 (1/26/2020)   As It Was In The Day Of Noah(02/09/2020)  
Romans 8:28 - We Know (5/4/2021)   Romans 8:28 - Why Things Work For Good (5/17/2021)  
Romans 8:28 - God's Providence (5/17/2021)   Romans 8:28 - God's Providence (5/17/2021)  
Romans 8:28 - The Call Pt. 1 (7/30/2021)   Romans 8:28 - The Call Pt. 2 (Added:11/14/2021)  
Romans 8:28 - The Call Pt. 3 (7/30/2021)   Romans 8:28 - The Call Pt. 4 (7/30/2021)  
Romans 8:28 - The Call Pt. 5 (Added:11/14/2021)      
Liberty - 7/4/20201 Service(Added:11/14/2021)   Joshua 1:9 - Courage (Added:11/14/2021)  
Amos 3:3 Spiritual Surgery (Added:11/14/2021)   Amos 3:3 Spiritual Surgery - Part 2(Added:11/14/2021)  
Amos 3:3 Spiritual Surgery - Part 3(Added:11/14/2021)   Amos 3:3 Spiritual Surgery - Part 4(Added:11/14/2021)  
Amos 3:3 Spiritual Surgery - Part 5(Added:11/14/2021)   Amos 3:3 Spiritual Surgery - Part 6(Added:11/14/2021)  
I John 2:15 The Harlot Church - Part 3(Added:12/29/2021)   I John 2:3 We Know That We Know(Added:12/29/2021)  
Sons of God(Added:4/6/2022)   Always a Child 1John 3:4(Added:4/6/2022)  
Ezekiel 38-39(Added:4/27/2022)   1 John 4:10-11(Added:4/27/2022)  
1 John 4:12-17(Added:4/27/2022)   Lost in the House - Luke 15:8-10(Added:7/03/2022)